Harvest Clean
Harvest Clean
has carefully selected additives formulated to help control your processes and be naturally resistant.
- Non-organic food production.
- Spray or wash onto surfaces to clean thoroughly.
- Preservative control in food plants on non-organic food that is put in storage for 30-60 days.
- Used at the proper diluted ratio, it has no taste or smell.
- Works with all spray systems and is non-toxic.
- Completely unique one of a kind formula from other leading brands.
- Packing houses, Farms spraying post-harvest from the fields can use Harvest clean.
- Needs to be rinsed off once applied.
- Better residual effects than leading brands.
- Harvest Clean can be used on all surfaces and is nontoxic.
- Will not cause dermatitis with skin contact.
- Harvest Clean has all food ingredients under CFR 21(172.320A).
- It does not have an active ingredient of any kind such as a “biocide” to be harmful in any way.
- Use this product for cleaning, on light duty areas use Smart Clean Plus on heavy duty areas. Both products will give you peace of mind to know your surfaces are clean.
- Will not harm animals or children when they are in contact with it.
- Not harmful if swallowed.
- Hypoallergenic is a plus straying away from brands that have active ingredients in them.
- Harvest Clean cleans without active ingredients, and yet is naturally resistant with preservative control.
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